
How To Register


It’s easy to sign up for an account in Hello Pal!

If you’ve got a social account, just click on any of the icons which you have an account for in the registration screen, and you’re done!

In case you don’t have a social account, just follow these steps:

  1. Fill in your email address, then tap on NEXT.

  2. Fill in your first name, last name, and your birthday. Then select your gender, too.

  3. Fill in your Nationality and native language. This part is muy importante! Hello Pal will know how to clue you in on foreign phrases using this information.

  4. Select a language you’d like to learn.

  5. Choose a profile picture. Tap on Create Account. AND YOU’RE DONE!

使用 Hello Pal - 基本操作 (视频)



使用 Hello Pal 2 - 文本模式和语音模式外语会话 (视频)



Chat Screen - Mirror Bot


When you open Hello Pal, the first thing you’ll see is a list of recommended pals and news.

You can start chatting with people in the Recommended Pals list by tapping on the green chat button!

If you want to practice a bit before you dive in, tap on CHAT at the bottom bar.

Here, you’ll find the Mirror Bot.

The Mirror Bot is the perfect practice chat mate: it will send everything you send to it right back to you!

To start, tap on Mirror Bot.

Chat Screen - Green Menu Bar


When you tap on Mirror Bot or any of your pals in your list, you'll be directed to the Chat Screen.

At the bottom, is a green menu bar with four buttons:

  • Send Text
  • Send Audio
  • Phrasebook, and
  • Send Media.

Send Text

A textbox, smiley button and send button is shown at the base of the screen. This lets you type text messages or send smileys to your pals.

Send Audio

Press the record button at the bottom to record voice clips that you can send to your pals.


The Phrasebook is your guide to learning a language with everyday words and phrases.


In Media, you can send images to your pals from your phone gallery or take a new picture with your phone camera.

How To Send A Text Message


To send a text message, type in your message in the field at the bottom, and tap on the send button.

You’ll see that Mirror Bot returns the message to you:

How To Send A Voice Clip


Next, try sending a voice clip. Tap on the microphone icon at the bottom.

Press and hold the record button to start recording.

You can review your recording by tapping on the purple audio button.

If you’re happy with the recording, hit the thumbs up button. If you want to start over, hit the thumbs down button.

After hitting the thumbs up button, your voice clip gets sent! You can play back what you sent by pressing the play button.

How To Use The Phrasebook


Tap on the Phrasebook icon at the bottom.

On the left, tap on the flag, and select the language you want to talk to your pal with. For this example, let’s select Chinese.

You’ll see the flag change.

Next, select a phrase. Let’s choose to say “Hello!” in Chinese. Tap on the + icon beside “Hello”.

This will bring up how to say “Hello” In Chinese.

In expanded view, the translated phrase is divided into four parts.

  • Romanization (Pink)
    How the phrase or word is pronounced.
  • Translation (Blue)
    How the phrase or word is written.
  • Comments (Block Quoted)
    A comment or usually the literal translation of the word or phrase.
  • Vocal Guide Audio (Play Button)
    Playback vocal guide audio of the word or phrase.

To learn HOW to say “nihao!”, tap on the PLAY button.

You’ll hear a vocal guide, teaching you how to say the phrase!

If you want to listen to how it’s pronounced a bit slower, just tap on the PLAY button again (it’s now turned into a SLOW PLAY button).

Once you’re ready to record your audio clip, PRESS AND HOLD the mic button beside that phrase.

You can review your recording by tapping on the audio button.

If you’re happy with the recording, hit the thumbs up button. If you want to start over, hit the thumbs down button.

After hitting the thumbs up button, your voice clip gets sent! You can play back what you sent by pressing the play button.

A special kind of message gets sent to your pal. What it looks like:

You can play back your audio clip by tapping on the PLAY button.

If you want to see more information about the phrase you just recorded, just tap on the green arrow icon!

Tapping on the green arrow icon again will show other forms of the phrase, including the original Chinese characters and literal translations or comments (if any).

When you receive a message back, you can quickly give feedback to it using emoticons.

Next to the bubble, you’ll see the feedback icon.

Tap on it to show the feedback emoticons available, and tap on the one you wish to use.

After sending it, your pal will see your emoticon next to that chat bubble:

How To Use Vocab Lists


Sometimes, when you’re using the language phrasebooks to find a phrase in a different language, you might see a part of the phrase highlighted in red.

A red highlight means that this word is part of a Vocab List.

What is a Vocab List?

A Vocab List is a list of options which will you can use to make the sentence apply to you.

Let’s take this phrase as an example:

I was born in China.

You can tap on the Vocab List item (in this case, “China”) and a list of possible words and phrases which you can replace “China” with will appear. Choose the one which applies to you to change the phrase.

For this example, let’s select the word “the United States”. You can tap on the + beside “the United States” to display a guide on how “the United States” is said in the language you want to record, along with a play button for the vocal guide audio:

  • Romanization (Pink)
    How the phrase or word is pronounced.

  • Translation (Blue)
    How the phrase or word is written.

  • Vocal Guide Audio (Play Button)
    Playback vocal guide audio of the word or phrase.

Tap on the check mark beside “The United States” to use it in the phrase.

Now you can go ahead and record a voice clip of yourself saying the phrase you want to send!

How To Send Images


Sending images through Hello Pal is pretty easy, too! At the bottom bar, click on the Media button.

Choose to send either a photo from your phone gallery or to take a new photo using your phone camera.

After choosing the photo you want to send (or capturing a new one), just tap on the OK button.

Your photo will be sent to your language pal!

How To Find Pals


Hello Pal is a million times more fun when you’re using it with friends!

You can choose to make new friends who are native speakers in different languages or to invite old friends to learn a language with you.

Make new friends

When you open Hello Pal, the first screen you see is the Home Screen.

Up on top is a Recommended Pals section. You can try making a new friend by sending a message to them by tapping the Chat button.

Find your current friends

If you want to look for existing friends who are already in Hello Pal, tap on DISCOVER at the bottom bar and then tap on PALS.

Hello Pal will list out your friends who are already in Hello Pal based on your phone contact list.

Find your Facebook friends

If you want to look for Facebook friends who are already in Hello Pal, tap on FACEBOOK at the bottom.

To send them an invitation to Hello Pal, tap on the [+] button. You’ll be notified when they join the Hello Pal community!

Find your Google+ friends

If you want to look for Google friends who are already in Hello Pal, tap on Google+ at the bottom.

To send them an invitation to Hello Pal, tap on the [+] button. You’ll be notified when they join the Hello Pal community!

How To Download Phrasebook Audio Pack?


Phrasebook audio packs contain all the audio files you need to play back audio for a language phrasebook. You can download these to your mobile device, giving you instant playback of the guide audio and reducing data bandwidth used.

To download Phrasebook Audio Packs, tap on DISCOVER at the bottom and tap on Phrasebook Audio Packs.

Tap on the green download button for each phrasebook you want to download.

WARNING: This is best done while you’re connected to a WiFi network! Also make sure that you have enough space on your mobile device to accommodate the download!

How To Report User?


To report a user of inappropriate behavior, there are two ways: a chat conversation or from the user's profile page.

How to report a user from a chat conversation

  1. In a chat conversation, tap on the "three dot" icon at the top right.

  2. Now tap on "Report User".

  3. You'll be given three options: Cancel, Report User (with reason) and Report User.

    Tap on Report to report the user.

    Tap on Report (with Reason) with an explanation so that we may invistigate even further. When done, press report to send.

    To dismiss, tap on Cancel.

How to report a user from their profile page

  1. In their profile page, tap on the "three dot" icon on the top right.

  2. Now tap on Report User.

  3. You'll be given three options: Cancel, Report User (with reason) and Report User.

    Tap on Report to report the user.

    Tap on Report (with Reason) with an explanation so that we may invistigate even further. When done, press report to send.

    To dismiss, tap on Cancel.

使用 Hello Pal 3 - 帮助语伴学习 (视频)
